Regarding Online Mock Test On 14.09.2020 for Bsc Semester-VI (Regular And Reappear) And Semester-V (Supplementary) for 2019-20 Batch.
Dear BSc student,
The NCHM&CT will conduct Compulsory online Mock Test to prepare you for the Final online Term--End Examinations for BSc. Sem-VI (Regular and Re-appear) and Sem-V (Supplementary) 2019-20. The mock test will be held on 14/09/2020 from 00.01 hrs to 23.59 hrs and will be accessible at You can attempt this mock exam from your laptop/ desktop or mobile phone having Google Chrome browser, minimum 2mbps internet speed and having a microphone and camera. This software will NOT work on iOS or Apple operating system devices. Detailed instructions have been provided for your information which you must read and comply.
The final exam will be of 2hr/120min duration, contain 50 Multiple Choice Questions and divided into two parts A and B. Part A will have 20 MCQs of 02 marks each and part B will have 30 MCQs of 01 mark each (no negative marking). Hence each subject Question paper will be of 70 marks while 30 marks will comprise mid-term marks.
You will login to the exam through which will lead to a home page where you will be asked to fill all your details. Mock test has been organized to familiarize you with the test procedure, your device and software compatibility. The mock test is compulsory and will be monitored at back end through your device camera. Take the mock test and final test on the same device so that you are familiar with the connectivity, tools and keys. The final online exam are likely to be held after 10/12 days of the mock test, date sheet for which will be provided.
Read and follow attached instructions.
Best wishes,
Director (Studies), NCHM&CT
Enclosed: Instructions